Stories Through the Ages

Stories Through
the Ages​

Serving underprivileged children and isolated senior citizens. Bridging generations through interactive learning.

Children Served
0 +
Senior Volunteers
Books Donated
0 +
Raised for Programs
$ 0


Our Mission Statement

Stories Through the Ages is organized to increase the literacy rates of socioeconomically disadvantaged children and to provide a source of social enrichment to neglected seniors in isolation or suffering from mental health. We achieve this through tailored programs that serve both populations. 


Explore What We Are Doing Worldwide

Stories Through the Ages conceptualizes creative solutions to connect populations around the world and bring them to life. 


Cities We've Served

Houston, Texas

Chandigarh, India

Sahog, Egypt

Labac, Philippines

Atlanta, Georgia

Dallas, Texas

New Delhi, India

Sammamish, Washington

Pleasanton, California

Our Three Goals

how we will make a change in the world

Young children and senior citizens alike will always have Stories Through the Ages to provide them with much-needed educational and mental-health support.


bringing kids to reading standards

We want to instill a love for reading and guide kids to the right reading level for them.


Reducing anxiety in senior citizens

We want to actively create avenues for senior citizens to interact with others and revive their purpose. 


Free Access to books and libraries

We want to build digital, mobile, and permanent libraries for people all over the world to access for free.

Science that supports us

Research Studies

Study by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago. Notable findings include:

  • The proportion of students who are below grade level is highest for male students, for African American students, and for students who ever spent time in the foster care system.
  • Students who are above grade level for reading in grade 3 graduate and enroll in college at higher rates than students who are at or below grade level.
  • Third-grade reading level is a significant predictor of eighth-grade reading level.
  • Eighth-grade reading achievement and the ninth-grade school that a student attends account for many of the differences in performance among the below, at, and above level groups in ninth grade.
  • Eighth-grade reading achievement and the ninth-grade school a student attends explain differences in graduation and college enrollment rates.


Read the whole report here:

Study by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Notable findings include:

  • About 16 percent of children who are not reading proficiently by the end of third grade do not graduate from high school on time, a rate four times greater than that for proficient readers.
  • For children who were poor for at least a year and were not reading proficiently, the proportion failing to graduate rose to 26 percent.
  • For children who were poor, lived in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty and not reading proficiently, the proportion jumped to 35 percent.


Read the whole report here:

Stories Through the Ages is a federal 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation. We serve underprivileged children and isolated senior citizens.

Our Organization

Contact Us


Phone:  +1 (713) 499-9435