Stories Through the Ages

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Frequently-Asked Questions

Storytelling Programs

Yes, all live Zoom sessions with Stories Through the Ages will be recorded for documentation and media. Stories Through the Ages will provide a Media Consent Form before posting anything on our website or other media sources. 

All volunteers of Stories Through the Ages are properly screened and are required to go through a criminal background check before working with us. Additionally, many of our volunteers are family or friends, strengthening the trust in our volunteers. 

The books read during the live interactive storytelling sessions are typically “classic” stories, such as Caldecott and Newberry Award winners. For some programs, we will send out a Google Form to the listeners to gather their votes for their preference from a panel of pre-selected stories. 

Stories Through the Ages acts as the bridge between two generations: the young and the elderly. We take books with lively stories and make them even more colorful and interactive for kids to learn and love. We also monitor the live meetings to ensure that the storytelling is running smoothly. 

Our website includes the volunteers associated with each program. You will be notified of who your volunteer reader is when you register. 

Most general storytelling programs will occur on a recurrent weekly or biweekly basis. The exact nature of the program will be explicitly stated on the program’s page on our website.

Absolutely! If you have a specific preference of a story you would like to hear read to you, you can request it by emailing the Vice President of Programming. We encourage all Stories Through the Ages participants to engage in writing their own stories and sharing them during our storytelling programs. 

All storytelling programs are 100% free-of-cost. 

For Schools

Yes, all live Zoom sessions with Stories Through the Ages will be recorded for documentation and media. Stories Through the Ages will provide a Media Consent Form before posting anything on our website or other media sources. 

All volunteers of Stories Through the Ages are properly screened and are required to go through a criminal background check before working with us. Additionally, many of our volunteers are family or friends, strengthening the trust in our volunteers. 

The books read during the live interactive storytelling sessions are typically “classic” stories, such as Caldecott and Newberry Award winners. For some programs, we will send out a Google Form to the listeners to gather their votes for their preference from a panel of pre-selected stories. 

Stories Through the Ages acts as the bridge between two generations: the young and the elderly. We take books with lively stories and make them even more colorful and interactive for kids to learn and love. We also monitor the live meetings to ensure that the storytelling is running smoothly. 

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus off, luctus nec ullamc orper mattis, pvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus off, luctus nec ullamc orper mattis, pvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus off, luctus nec ullamc orper mattis, pvinar dapibus leo.

for libraries

Yes, all live Zoom sessions with Stories Through the Ages will be recorded for documentation and media. Stories Through the Ages will provide a Media Consent Form before posting anything on our website or other media sources. 

All volunteers of Stories Through the Ages are properly screened and are required to go through a criminal background check before working with us. Additionally, many of our volunteers are family or friends, strengthening the trust in our volunteers. 

The books read during the live interactive storytelling sessions are typically “classic” stories, such as Caldecott and Newberry Award winners. For some programs, we will send out a Google Form to the listeners to gather their votes for their preference from a panel of pre-selected stories. 

Stories Through the Ages acts as the bridge between two generations: the young and the elderly. We take books with lively stories and make them even more colorful and interactive for kids to learn and love. We also monitor the live meetings to ensure that the storytelling is running smoothly. 

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus off, luctus nec ullamc orper mattis, pvinar dapibus leo.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus off, luctus nec ullamc orper mattis, pvinar dapibus leo.

for Volunteers

Yes, all live Zoom sessions with Stories Through the Ages will be recorded for documentation and media. Stories Through the Ages will provide a Media Consent Form before posting anything on our website or other media sources. 

All volunteers of Stories Through the Ages are properly screened and are required to go through a criminal background check before working with us. Additionally, many of our volunteers are family or friends, strengthening the trust in our volunteers. 

The books read during the live interactive storytelling sessions are typically “classic” stories, such as Caldecott and Newberry Award winners. For some programs, we will send out a Google Form to the listeners to gather their votes for their preference from a panel of pre-selected stories. 

Stories Through the Ages acts as the bridge between two generations: the young and the elderly. We take books with lively stories and make them even more colorful and interactive for kids to learn and love. We also monitor the live meetings to ensure that the storytelling is running smoothly. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus off, luctus nec ullamc orper mattis, pvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus off, luctus nec ullamc orper mattis, pvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus off, luctus nec ullamc orper mattis, pvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus off, luctus nec ullamc orper mattis, pvinar dapibus leo.

Stories Through the Ages is a federal 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation. We serve underprivileged children and isolated senior citizens.

Our Organization

Contact Us


Phone:  +1 (713) 499-9435