Stories Through the Ages

STTA: Chandigarh

GPS Kararon Khurd 2022

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Brief Overview

Stories Through the Ages is partnering with Government Public School Karoran Khurd in Nayagaon, a town in Punjab, India. The school offers 7 grade levels but only has 5 teachers. We are working to provide the under-resourced school with recordings and other resources through donations. 





Stories Through the Ages is partnering with Government Public School Karoran Khurd in Nayagaon, a small town in Punjab, India. In this school, there are 7 grade levels from Pre-K to 5th, but there are only 5 teachers to accommodate. The kindergarten grade does not have a classroom and has classes in the courtyard. Each classroom has a desktop computer with spotty wifi, and there is one SMART board in the entire school. We are working to provide recordings of interactive storytelling during the children’s library time and to raise funds to buy resources for the school. ​

95% of the students at GPS Karoran Khurd are the children of migrant workers from the poor state of Uttar Pradesh. Both parents of the children work to provide the essentials for the family, and the children’s educations are very erratic. Sometimes, these children cannot come to school; other times, they may come for only a couple of months before having to move somewhere else.

Population Served

The population served in this project is one in imperative need: underprivileged children who come from uneducated families. They often do not have the wisdom or guidance of their parents to assist them in their studies, which is why Stories Through the Ages is stepping in to help assist. 

Stories Through the Ages is a federal 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation. We serve underprivileged children and isolated senior citizens.

Our Organization

Contact Us


Phone:  +1 (713) 499-9435